
What are Ugroups?

uGroups are designed for all people in all walks of life! Urban Hope believes that life was never meant to walk alone. We have community groups available that will help you find ways to cultivate community outside of Sunday services. These groups can be anything from a bible study, outdoor activity, hobbies etc. At Urban Hope we don't just want to do Sundays together, we want to do life together. We hope you find your spot today!

Spring Semester:  FebRUary-May 31st

Fall SemEster: August-December 7th 

Find a group for U

Men's Group 

Tuesday Nights
A chance for the men of UHC to fellowship, worship and engage in Bible study together.

Hosted by Pastor Adam

Young Adult Women 18-25

Who I Am in Christ
Mondays 5:30pm
Equipping young adult women with the knowledge of who they are in Christ. Enjoy food fellowship and a chance to find community.

Hosted by
Roxanna Jaramillo

Women's Group

Ladies Lunch Bunch
2nd Fridays 11:30am
Ladies having lunch! Check out a new place with us each month.

Hosted by Vera Rees

Womens Group 40+

Saturdays 10:30am
Learn foundational Christian beliefs and practice the 7 rhythms of discipleship from the New Testament. The experience challenges and inspires participants to step beyond their comfort zone as they follow Jesus.

Hosted by
Laura Baumgartner

Young Adult Women  Early 30's

Saturdays 10:30am

Community Group 

Health & Wellness
First Tuesdays 5:30pm
Learn foundational Christian beliefs and practice the 7 rhythms of discipleship from the New Testament. The experience challenges and inspires participants to step beyond their comfort zone as they follow Jesus.

Hosted by
Justis Gonzalez
Learn the skills to build and break habits, God- honoring ways to care for your physical body/temple and how to achieve
your goals.

Hosted by Megan Enbring

Community Group

Wednesdays 6:30pm
 “Essentials” is the core foundation course series for Urban Hope Church and is the best starting place for all believers in their discipleship journey.
Hosted by
David Yellowhair

Community Group

Bible Study & Prayer
Thursdays 6pm
Community group for singles or couples, a time of bible study and prayer. Currently going through 1st Corinthians.

Hosted by Paul Evans

Young  Married Couples  Group

 Fridays at 6:30pm
A time for young married couples to meet, fellowship, eat and reflect on the previous Sundays message.

Hosted by
Jon and Jennifer Harrell

Marriage Group

Every other Saturday 4:30pm
A time for married couples to meet, fellowship, eat and reflect on the previous Sundays message.

Hosted by
Thane and Lorinda Caird

Marriage Group

Every other Saturday 5:30pm
A time for married couples to meet, fellowship, eat and reflect on the previous Sundays message.

Hosted by
Mike and Janel Sherwood

Contact us

Let us know which group you are interested in and we will send you all the details

Mike and janel Sherwood 

UGROUP Directors

Mike and Janel Sherwood moved to Flagstaff in the early 90s to be students at Northern Arizona University. They fell in love with the town and have been here since.They started out hosting a student U group in their college dorm lobby and have continued hosting and organizing various home groups every year since. Across a few different churches along their journey, they’ve always felt that learning to host and engaging in small groups is a vital part of  how we do life together. They feel so blessed to have three daughters ages 19, 16, and 12. They both are small business owners here in town. They started attending Urban Hope in 2021 and quickly got involved in all the things that make up a church. As part of that, they are so excited to be the Ugroup directors.