Urban Hope Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and where everyone is welcome. Our mission is to LOVE like Jesus, EQUIP the believer and to MULTIPLY God's kingdom. It's our desire to do life together not just Sunday mornings. Welcome to the family!
Upcoming Events

September 1st
First Sunday Prayer
6:30pm at UHC
6:30pm at UHC
Join us the first Sunday night of every month for a special time, praying together for our city, church, and one another.

September 1st
Connect Coffee
12:30pm at UHC
12:30pm at UHC
Are you new to UHC?
Come get to know some of the staff and ask us any question you may have. We can't wait to connect with you! Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Come get to know some of the staff and ask us any question you may have. We can't wait to connect with you! Coffee and snacks will be provided.

September 15th
11am at UHC
11am at UHC
Are you ready to ACTIVATE? If you are interested in taking your next steps, being a part of our Dream Team, and using the gifts God has given you, join us for our monthly Activate class.

Women's Bible Study
6:30pm at UHC
6:30pm at UHC
Join us for our weekly Bible study gathering. Friday night at 6:30pm
Current Study: 1&2 Peter
Click here for more info
Current Study: 1&2 Peter
Click here for more info

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays
Youth Group
11am at UHC
11am at UHC

Young Adults
Urban Hope Young Adults is a movement of college students and young professionals who are passionate about pursuing an encounter with God, for their life.
Click here for more info
Click here for more info

Tuesday Nights
Men's Group
Men, don’t miss out on our weekly Men’s Group at 6:30 pm every Tuesday at UHC. Enjoy awesome fellowship, worship, and Bible study.
Our Dream Team videos are the next step to becoming a part of our Urban Hope Dream Team! This step allows you to see the vision and mission of Urban Hope Church and be a part of the team that makes it all happen. Find your purpose and join the Dream Team today!
If you want more information or would like to get connected we encourage you to fill out the information below, and someone from our incredible staff or team will be reaching out to you this week!
Subscribe to our weekly E-News to receive all the latest info about what's happening at UHC.