WHEN -1st, 3rd and 5th (when applicable) Sundays 11:00am
WHERE - 1645 Plaza Way, Flagstaff AZ 86001
WHO - Middle School and High School Students
WHY - See our mission below
FOR MORE INFO CALL 928-440-5212
WHERE - 1645 Plaza Way, Flagstaff AZ 86001
WHO - Middle School and High School Students
WHY - See our mission below
FOR MORE INFO CALL 928-440-5212
Urban Hope Youth is simply a refuge to the here and now generation. A change of the heart to be sold out for Christ and a growth in strength of faith, power, and love. People have thrown the next generation of youth to the curb, saying we aren't ready to make the world a better place. At Urban Hope Youth, we believe the opposite. That the next generation has the potential to be the generation filled with the Holy Spirit, and that the love of Christ within us produces the act of a youth rising. Our heart is to see students impacted by the love of Christ, to the point of being compelled to change the city from within. Through their own actions in their schools, their home, and their city, we believe that through the power of Christ, and the passion of our pursuit, we will see a refuge not just become a place, but a purpose that is instilled in our students. For God is our ultimate refuge, and it's in Christ that we will rise above.

Pastor Alex Ellifritz
Student Ministries Pastor
Alex is an Intern and a member of the School Of Ministry at Urban Hope. He attended college at Notre Dame de Namur in San Francisco, CA. In his 4 years, he played and was captain of the NDNU, NCAA Lacrosse team. Alex’s wife attended Northern Arizona University, where she graduated with a Bachelors in Communications. Lexy now runs our children's ministry. Both are passionate about loving Young Adults who feel like there is nowhere to turn or don't feel comfortable in a "church" setting. Alex relocated here to Flagstaff, to help run the Young Adult Ministry. With God’s vision, and an amazing team, he hopes to see the college campus transformed, the community loved, and each Young Adult he reaches to come to have an amazing relationship with Jesus Christ.