Adam & Natascha Kling
Lead Pastors
Since 2006, Adam and Natascha Kling have served as youth and associate pastors in Arizona and Tennessee. Adam has been in full time ministry since 2006 and Natascha has grown up in a church planter's home and has been active in ministry since she was 15. They have seen hundreds of students and adults come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and are passionate about loving those who feel like there is nowhere to turn or don't feel comfortable in a "church" setting. Through their journey, they have had a new dream birthed in them to plant a church in Flagstaff, Arizona. Adam and Natascha are in their late 30's and early 40's, they have one daughter named Eden. Adam is an ordained minister. They love the outdoors, hunting, mountain biking, running, and anything that involves fresh air! With God’s vision, and gracious partners to help along the way, they hope to see their city changed, their community loved and each individual they reach eternally transformed.
Lead Team
Ministry Directors

Pastor Natascha Kling
Worship Director

Pastor Dave Wessels
Discipleship Director
School of Ministry Coach

Pastor Steven Klistoff
Worship assistant

Mike and Janel Sherwood
UGroup Directors

Janet Wessels
Prayer and Freedom Ministry Director

Quinn Nez