What Type of People Attend UHC?
Urban Hope Church is made up of ordinary people that are united by the cause of Christ to accomplish extraordinary things! We come from different walks of life, have varied ages and life experiences, but share one thing in common…our love for God and those far from Him. Some of us have been involved in church for a long time, but others are new to this “church thing”. We aren’t perfect, but we try our best each day to model our lives after Christ.
what if i'm not used to attending church?
You’re in luck, because Urban Hope was created for people exactly like you! We are firm believers that a church isn’t healthy until it can successfully meet the needs of three distinct groups of people. The first group are those who are seasoned and mature in their walk with Christ. We don’t believe that Christian maturity is gauged by the longevity of church attendance or Biblical knowledge, but rather by our obedience to the command of scripture. The second group of people are those new in the faith, and the last group are those who still haven’t accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Regardless of which group you may fall into, you have a place here at Urban Hope!

about my kids?
At Urban Hope, kids are a priority! We offer a full range of different age environments (newborn-age 10) that will help partner with parents to equip our children in the faith. See more information about our kids program HERE!
Where do I park?
At Urban Hope we try to make finding a parking spot the last thing you have to worry about. Which is why we have members of our Dream Team stationed on the corners, as well as flags and signs to help you find a spot quickly.